
Ecology and Philanthropy


The right to environmental protection is enshrined in the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, which states that everyone has the right to a favourable environment, everyone is obliged to protect and improve the environment and no one must endanger or harm the environment and natural resources above the level laid down by law.

Environmental protection priorities are elaborated in detail in the State Environment Policy approved in 1993. The strategy formulated 70 short-term, 59 medium- and 33 general and partial long-term objectives extending to and beyond 2030.

nature. Trees and a lake.

The strategy identifies 5 sectoral priorities for its entire period of validity - air pollution protection and global environmental safety; ensuring sufficient drinking water and reducing pollution of other waters below the permissible level; protecting soil from degradation and ensuring the safety of food and other products, minimising the generation, use and proper disposal of waste; conservation of biodiversity, conservation and rational use of natural resources and optimisation of spatial structure and land use.

The new, modern strategy of environmental policy for 2030 – Envirostratégia 2030, with a link to valid and upcoming strategies, laws and programmes at national, EU and global level, was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic on 27.2.2019. The strategy presented defines a vision for 2030, taking into account possible, probable and well-wished future developments, setting targets, proposing framework measures and including result indicators that will make it possible to verify the results achieved.

The Envirostratégia 2030, described in detail in the document entitled 'Greener Slovakia', defines 14 priority areas divided into three parts, to which the greatest attention must be paid:

  1. Sustainable use and effective protection of natural resources - sufficient clean water for all, effective protection of nature and landscape, sustainable land management, fulfilment of forest functions, rational use of the rock environment.
  2. Climate change and air protection - preventing and mitigating climate change, protecting against the consequences of floods, tackling drought and water scarcity, clean air.
  3. Green economy – towards a circular economy, economic and green energy, economic tools for a better environment, environmental education and education at all ages, better data for better decision-making.
The Slovak Republic has continuously implemented and continues to implement the principles of state environmental policy or environmental strategy into national legislative regulations.

TRANSPETROL, a. s., as a company engaged in oil transport and storage, strives to consistently meet legal requirements in the field of environmental protection. As crude oil is included in the list of pollutants as a difficult to degrade hydrocarbon under the Water Act, every effort is made to prevent it from escaping into the environment. At the same time, activities related to this are subject to monitoring, strict internal regulations and are also accountable to state administration control bodies.

The line route of the pipeline passes through, among other areas, the sensitive area of the Slovak Karst National Park, which was the first in Slovakia to be entered into the international network of biosphere reserves within the unesco programme – Man and biosphere, which also includes the Silická Plateau.  Part of its territory belongs to the network of protected areas of the Member States of the European Union – NATURA 2000.

However, particular attention should also be paid to other parts of the pipeline. By transhipment of one section of the route, it was achieved that the pipeline line bypassed the underground drinking water reservoir on Rye Island.

In order to further improve the operational safety of the pipeline, leos small oil spill indicator system technology was built on Rye Island.

This system is capable of detecting small oil spills of the order of decilitres. From other important sites protected by this system, it is necessary to mention the location of the Silická Plateau in the Slovak Karst National Park.

The LEOS system is also used in locations near boldog and Nenince, where it also protects groundwater reserves.

Pumping station. Green pipe.

TRANSPETROL, a. s., has integrated management systems in place according to international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, which are suitable, adequate and efficient for the needs of the company.

TRANSPETROL, a. s., shall ensure that the emission limits of monitored pollutants are not exceeded, that there is no incident or any uncontrolled leakage of hazardous substances into soil, rock environment, groundwater or surface water.

At the same time, we emphasize that during the operation at TRANSPETROL, a. s., there is no interruption in oil pumping due to an extraordinary event, accident or failure of technology on the part of the Company.

TRANSPETROL, a. s., is inclined to implement progressive information technologies that support the safe operation of the oil system and the adoption of measures to protect the environment in the territory in which it is located. The oil information system is developed as a spatial technical and environmental information system to support control of the operation and maintenance of the oil pipeline system. The database of the Oil Information System contains technical information, the results of internal and external control of the pipeline and, in interaction with geological and environmental data, allows methodologically to calculate and eliminate the risks of operation of the pipeline.

All input data provide complete information about exposed locations along the entire route of the pipeline and thanks to the connection of all information, TRANSPETROL, a. s., has a strong tool for early resolution of potential adverse effects on the surrounding environment.

Ecology and Philanthropy