
Oil industry

Management systems

TRANSPETROL, a.s. is a joint-stock company providing a service of transit and national transport of oil for the customer by the oil pipeline system of the Slovak Republic and its storage in its own storage facilities.

The Company's strategic priority is to provide a quality service without undersuring the ecological stability of ecosystems and endangering human safety and health. The permanently applied principle of the company is therefore to maintain the oil pipeline system of the Slovak Republic at the level of the best available technology, with particular emphasis on safe transport and storage of oil.

TRANSPETROL, a. s., provides a service of transit and national transport of crude oil to the customer by the oil pipeline system of the Slovak Republic and its storage in its own storage facilities. The policy of integrated management systems is developed in accordance with the energy security of the state and strengthens energy security in Central Europe, fulfils the strategic objectives of TRANSPETROL, a. s. and is binding on all employees. Environmental protection and human safety are seen as an integral part of the Company's decision-making process.

TRANSPETROL, a. s., has developed an integrated management system that meets the requirements for environmental protection, quality of service and protection of persons at an internationally comparable level according to the internationally recognized standards ISO 14001:2015, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.

The MS programme is based on the results achieved in the various areas of environmental care, working environment and quality of services provided by TRANSPETROL, a. s. and takes into account development activities to comply with legislative obligations and other obligations undertaken by the Company in the areas of air protection, water protection, waste management, working environment, quality.

In implementing the policy of integrated management systems, we apply the principles of:
  • Compliance with environmental, quality and safety and health legislation and other obligations that our Company is committed to fulfilling.
  • Detailed analyses are an input for competent decision-making.
  • The Company's long-term and short-term objectives in the fields of environmental protection, quality and safety and health at work are embedded in the MS Programme, the OSH Programme and the ZPH Prevention Programme, which we regularly update and communicate with.
  • Effective process management continuously improves established integrated management systems and improves the performance of these processes.
  • Prevent process risks, apply appropriate measures and opportunities to manage risks and reduce their impacts, prioritise preventive measures over remedial measures.
  • Raising the qualification level and knowledge of our employees and developing their awareness of the requirements of integrated management systems through regular training.
  • Openly informing the government authorities concerned and the public about our activities and the results achieved.
  • The company's senior management supports the implementation of the declared policy and objectives of management systems by all available means and generates the necessary resources for their implementation.

  • Understanding the solution to environmental issues in the spirit of the principle of 'what is ecological is also economic'.
  • Paying increased attention to the safe operation of installations and their comprehensive emergency and fire safety in order to reduce the risk of near-accidents and accidents with the risk of damage to the country's environment and technical infrastructure and to strengthen environmental performance.

  • The quality of the services provided is an important factor in the company's competitiveness.
  • Our customer is a top priority for all activities of the Company. By deepening cooperation with customers, gain knowledge about satisfaction with the quality of our services and about the possibilities of their innovation.

  • Managing health and safety risks reduce the potential risk of early accidents and injuries with the risk of harm to the health of employees and the population in an adjacent settlement.
  • By fulfilling the needs and expectations of employees of the Company to create a suitable working environment and creative atmosphere in workplaces.

All employees of a public limited-stock company are obliged to follow the above principles.

SNAS has accredited our laboratories to accredited testing laboratories for oil and water abstraction and analysis. Wastewater analyses are commissioned by independent accredited laboratories. The competence to carry out tests impartially and credibly by laboratories shall be demonstrated by compliance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

We regularly analyze the environmental aspects of activities and services transpetrol, a. s., which may have an impact on the environment, as well as the risks of major industrial accidents and risks not only to the safety and health of employees of the Company, but also employees of contract companies operating in transpetrol, a. s., and residents of the affected territories, whose quarterly we openly inform about the results.

Oil industry